Textual content
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your brand language
Why is textual content important to you?
Why is textual content important?
Less cost than advertising and the high importance of keeping in touch with the audience
Attractiveness in content production is the best way to attract an audience.
Appropriate content builds the brand of your name and business.
Use of created content on social networks and websites.

Types of Textual Content
Articles optimized for Google
This content is created for two reasons, getting points from Google for higher rankings and teaching valuable tips to your audience.
Podcast text
If you use a podcast for SEO, this text is obtained from the summary of articles on the website, otherwise it is written based on the application and duration of the podcast.
Instagram Texts
The texts used in the posts and their captions are of particular importance because they are at the forefront of your relationship with your customers.
Text Narration
With this text you speak completely directly to your audience; So be careful to use the right words, spelling and tone.
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Read About Textual Content

Content production is the process of creating and enlivening the pages of websites, blogs, and digital media. There are many types of content today: video content, audio content, graphic content, and of course textual content. Textual content has a longer history than other types of content and is known as the most basic and main form of content production worldwide.To clarify the issue, you can consider the same thing that you are reading. This article is a textual introduction to the content production process! Textual content is based on content strategy. Content strategy determines what textual content should be about what word or keywords, what content should be included, and what tone and language it should have in order to communicate well with the target audience.

Educational content for blogs and websites
One of the most popular types of textual content is the educational content of various blogs and websites. There are several types of best content formats in this category. Here are some of the most effective educational content formats for blogs and websites. This type of textual content is written in the Namad Content Production Studio by a specialized team, proficient in SEO principles and text editing methods, and completely relevant to your business.First, research is done on this case, then important titles and keywords are determined, and then a unique content is written for you. Apart from the texts that are written to inform people about your business or product, the following items are among the items that have been used for many years.

Ultimate guides
In recent years, this type of textual content has become very popular. The complete guide includes instructional or descriptive texts that cover a specific topic, the so-called "from A to Z". These texts are usually more than 3000 words. When an audience searches for a specific topic and gets a complete guide, they usually feel they have found the desired result. This is one of the powerful psychological effects of using this type of textual content.
Expert round-ups
Another popular type of textual content production is specialized summarization. In this type of material, the latest expert opinions in a specific field are often collected and the various components of a topic are carefully clarified. Producing this type of content allows you to be considered an expert in the field and industry in which you are active. Specialized summaries are written with full knowledge of professional topics.
Evergreen content
This type of textual content production refers to those materials that are studied and searched for more than a limited time. This type of content production service is written at a distance from the news and trends of the day in various fields and in a way conveys the totality of these topics. For example, a final guide to graphic software is considered an evergreen content.

Scenario and text of advertising campaigns
Any content production activity you do for your site or blog is part of your advertising campaign. However, each component of the advertising campaign needs to produce its own textual content.For example, when you plan to use a text message advertising campaign, you need short text content that you can embed in a text message or SMS. Or run a campaign on Instagram to introduce the audience to your brand.

Produce textual content for social networks
Another very popular type of content production is professionally produced for presentation on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social networks. This type of content production is produced according to characteristics such as age, gender, lifestyle and personal interests of the audience. In this way, the audience and users of different social networks interact with the content that targets them and they will like it.This will make your business brand more visible and will encourage more discussion about it. In the following, the characteristics of content production on some of the most important social networks will be discussed. We put this content on your photos and videos.
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